Just a little ole working gal, who loves food

Monday, November 21, 2011

Making the Perfect Omelet

This is one meal that a lot of people have trouble with. They either can't flip it (I don't flip my omelet), or it isn't fluffy and bland.

Here is how I make my omelette's.

 The key to fluffy omelette's is in the egg whites. Separate your eggs. This is a 3 egg omelet and I put the yolks in one bowl and the whites in another.
 In the egg yolks I added 1/4 cup of canned corn (I know...sounds weird...but it was delish!) and seasoned with salt and pepper. whisk to combine.
 for the egg white start whisking the whites until they become white in colour and pretty fluffy and frothy.
 See picture above of the frothy egg whites.
 Lightly fold in the egg whites with the egg yolk mixture. Don't whisk and don't over mix...you just want it slightly combined.
 Your your omelet mixture into a lightly buttered frying pan. I like to cook my omelette's on medium low heat. You want them to cook through, but not burn on the bottom.
 Using a rubber spatula you can check the progress of the bottom but lifting a corner of the omelet and making sure it is slowly browning. Once the middle of the omelet starts to cook through (it will look like solid scrambled egg) you can start adding your filling.
 On one side of the omelet sprinkle your desired toppings. I added Goat Cheese and chopped chives.
 Fold over the omelet and let the filling melt for a couple of minutes.
Slide onto your place and devour. So perfect..so fluffy...so yummy! Try the corn in the omelet sometime...it gives a surprising sweet taste!

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