Just a little ole working gal, who loves food

Monday, July 4, 2011

I need to go grocery shopping...

Don't you just love long weekends? Three beautiful, hot, sunny days of relaxing and not
caring about work, cleaning, exercise etc? It really was bliss I tells you.

Then you get home and reality sinks in.

It was dinner time when we arrived back home last night when I realized we really have nothing to eat and I probably should have gone grocery shopping at some point on our 2 hour drive back home.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I checked out our fridge and freezer and totally made up this pasta concoction. It tasted pretty good and hit the spot when I wanted something fast and easy to make since I was still in lazy cottage mode. What are some strange dishes you have made in desperate times?

I found some frozen edammame in my freezer. Steamed them and removed them from the shells.
I had some spinach in the garden that was ready for eating...so I grabbed a huge handful of that...and some fresh basil as well. Threw the greenery in a sauce pan on high heat with a little olive oil, teaspoon of butter, salt and pepper and a splash of white wine.
Had a half dozen cherry tomato's too...those were sliced and added to the pot.
Then came the edammame. Once the greens are all wilted you are ready to serve.
I tossed the mixture with some whole wheat pasta and topped with shaved Parmesan.
And there you go! Pasta on the fly!

1 comment:

  1. we have a parallel lives! i'm an accountant who also loves to cook and run and blog about it all! accounting pays the bills but my true passion in life is food!
